
EUCANETANK is a powerful cleaner made of eucalyptus oil with allows to allows to neutralize the proliferation of bad smells inside  cassettes and tanks. Allows to degrade the organic, greasy deposits and the cellulose

Strongly sealed.

EUCANETANK is miscible in the water in any proportions and keeps its whole efficiency even in hard water.

Leaves a pleasant smell of eucalyptus.

Well mix before use. Dilute 10 corks of EUCANETANK in 5 liters of hot water (if it is possible).

Pour the mixture in the cassette or the tank. Let act 30 minutes. Shake the cassette so you can to take off well all  organic deposits, celluloses and soap. Drain away and rinse with clear water.


EUCANETANK is a powerful cleaner made of eucalyptus oil with allows to allows to neutralize the proliferation of bad smells inside  cassettes and tanks. Allows to degrade the organic, greasy deposits and the cellulose

Strongly sealed.

EUCANETANK is miscible in the water in any proportions and keeps its whole efficiency even in hard water.

Leaves a pleasant smell of eucalyptus.

Well mix before use. Dilute 10 corks of EUCANETANK in 5 liters of hot water (if it is possible).

Pour the mixture in the cassette or the tank. Let act 30 minutes. Shake the cassette so you can to take off well all  organic deposits, celluloses and soap. Drain away and rinse with clear water.

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  • Bidon 5L
  • Bidon 1L
  • bidon 500ml

Prix de vente conseillé 23,70 €

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