
Descaling agent for W.C. ‘s crusher

W.C. FLUSH allows to solubilize deposits of limestone and to remove salt deposits. Eliminates bad smells. Is safe for plastic, rubber, light alloys. Leave a pleasant lemon odour.

Pour 500 ml of product directly into the washbowl. Let act 2 hours. Flush the toilet twice in order to well rinse. The maintenance of the crusher may be done twice a year.


Descaling agent for W.C. ‘s crusher

W.C. FLUSH allows to solubilize deposits of limestone and to remove salt deposits. Eliminates bad smells. Is safe for plastic, rubber, light alloys. Leave a pleasant lemon odour.

Pour 500 ml of product directly into the washbowl. Let act 2 hours. Flush the toilet twice in order to well rinse. The maintenance of the crusher may be done twice a year.

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  • flacon 500 ml

Prix de vente conseillé 19,80 €